Buttercream or Fondant Cake?

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There are many details involved in choosing a wedding cake. However, once you've found your inspirations and you're ready to design your cake, you must decide on the ultimate question...which icing will cover your cake? Fondant or buttercream?

Buttercream vs. Fondant

Photo Source Cake Studio LA

The two main choices for finishing a cake are fondant and buttercream. Both icings are made from different ingredients and have advantages and disadvantages depending on your preferences. Here are important tips you need to know to help you choose your icing:

Fondant Cake

Fondant is usually made of sugar, corn syrup, and water, which are melted together. It tastes really sweet and has a gummy texture. Fondant has clay like consistency, which makes it easy for decorating. The clay like consistency also makes it easier for cutouts. Bakers can create different decorating elements such as shapes, patterns, flowers, ruffles and more. So if you're looking for a cake with a lot of decorative details, fondant is ideal. Fondant icing provides a polished appearance, creating a clean and beautiful finish. Fondant is also easy for transferring and transportation. Cakes with fondant finish stay fresh in the fridge for days, which is great for spring/summer weddings. Fondant cakes require much more time and effort and are usually more expensive than buttercream cakes. This finish is not ideal for piping since it is not as smooth. Also, some may not like the super sweet taste and texture of fondant and remove it when eating the cake.

buttercream vs. Fondant

buttercream vs. Fondant

Photo Source Royal Cakes

buttercream vs. Fondant

Photo Source Cake Studio LA

Buttercream Cake

Buttercream is made primarily of butter and sugar, whipped together for a soft, creamy consistency. Buttercream is rich in taste and suited for a variety of flavors. Buttercream is ideal for piping and decorating with fresh flowers. This finish is great for a rustic, chic cake. In comparison to fondant, buttercream cakes are usually less expensive. On the other hand, buttercream is not suited for sculpting and it never lies flat. Also, because of its smooth texture, it is more susceptible to heat and humidity and harder to transport.

buttercream vs. Fondant

Photo Source The Butter End

buttercream vs. Fondant

Photo Source Pinterest

buttercream vs. Fondant

Photo Source Cake Studio LA

Both fondant and buttercream icings are popular choices and result in stunning wedding cakes. It is best to consult with your cake baker for the best option according to your design and wedding season.

Which cake finish do you prefer? Fondant or Buttercream? Share in the comments section below.

Tags: cake , tips , wedding cake , wedding planning