A Bride's Story: A Scavenger Hunt Ending with Diamonds!

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It was December 23. I had driven back from San Diego to my parent's house in LA to spend the next several days with family. Around 8:30pm, I got a call from Shant and he declared:
"The game has started. Here is Clue #1. Be at the location where we had out first date and I gave you the Play-doh in 15 minutes".

Shant & I at the Creme De La Crepe restaurant in Pasadena - Clue #1

I was confused. The game? Am I supposed to go alone? Is he going to be there? Regardless, I ended up driving to Pasadena to the cute French restaurant where we had our official first date (the Play-Doh is a long story).  As I was driving, I started to put 2 and 2 together: we talked about the ring, I knew we were ready to get engaged, and he was putting me on a scavenger hunt that usually ends with something.

I almost called my friends to tell them I was going to be proposed to, but decided to hold back since I didn't know 100%. When I got to the restaurant, Shant wasn't there. I ended up sitting at the bar, and when looking around, I noticed there was an envelope underneath the Christmas tree that said "Marineh - Clue #2".

My clue instructed me to go to the front lobby of the hotel where we had our one first anniversary, which was at the beautiful Langham Hotel (what used to be the Ritz Carlton). When I got to the lobby, the hotel staff gave me Clue #3  - go to the hotel bar and look underneath the Christmas tree. Clue #4 - go to the hotel jacuzzi. Clue #5 - go to the balcony of the hotel room where we stayed for our 1 year anniversary. I walked over to the grass area (our room was facing the pool) and there I saw Shant, standing waiting for me! After hugging and a few words, he got down on one knee and asked "Will you marry me?"


The Beautiful & Historic Langham, Huntington Hotel & Spa in Pasadena - Clues # 2-5

Of course! I was so thrilled!! The night ended with lots of phone calls and texts to my closest friends, and hanging out with my family to celebrate the great news.

Tip: It's a good idea to videotape the reaction of a few people when you tell them you're engaged. I asked my brother to record my mother's reaction when I told her since she was so surprised!

Next up: Setting the Date, Already???

Tags: bride's story , proposal