15 International Travel Tips For Your Honeymoon

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Honeymoons are a time to enjoy and celebrate the beginning of a new chapter as Mr. and Mrs! Whether you choose a relaxing or adventurous destination, honeymoons are every newlywed's most sought after trip! If you're planning on an international honeymoon, you should keep in mind a few tips to ensure you have a fun and safe trip!

Traveling to Honeymoon

Photo Source Fly Away Bride

Here's our international travel tips to get you ready for your honeymoon:

1. If you're traveling international, having a travel agent is highly recommended. Your travel agent can help you book everything from the right airline, flight, hotel, and activities.

2. There are various documents that you must have before you travel. In addition to your original document, you should take a copy and leave a copy at home.

a. Passport or proof of citizenship

b. Photo ID

c. Visa (if necessary)

d. Tourist Card (if necessary)

e. Travel ticket information

f. Hotel Statements

g. Itinerary

3. Make sure to get your passport early! It can take anywhere from 5-8 weeks to get your passport so don't leave it to the last minute as it'll cost you extra and possibly not arrive on time. When you do this, make sure your passport has the right name and consider if you'll be taking on your husband's last name prior to the wedding.


Photo Source Travel.State.Gov

4. Check the country's entrance and exit fees as some require a fee as soon as you enter.

5. Be sure to organize your finances before leaving the country. Let your banks know where and when you're traveling, set up fraud alerts, learn conversion rates, and have some cash ready on hand.

6. Some countries require immunizations so make sure to check vaccinations or health requirements.

7. Be aware of travel alerts and warnings and have the contact information for 24/7 emergency services from your travel agent on hand.

8. Don't carry a lot of cash, credit cards, or wear conspicuous jewelry or clothing. You're already a tourist in a foreign country, you don't want to stand out even more and become a target of crime!

9. Check how many bags you can take because international flights vary in the number of luggage allowed.

10. Turn off your cellphone data and set up your phone to avoid international roaming. Many phone services offer international plans to prevent additional costs.

11. Take international charger adapters with you! Last thing you want is your phone to run out of battery in a foreign country.

12. Research your destination including events, sight seeing, activities, seasonal weather and even cultural customs. Once you're caught up with the final details of the wedding, you'll be too busy to plan out your trip. Also, it's important to respect and embrace the country's culture and traditions.

13. Pack according to your research! Most destinations require comfortable clothing and 2-3 formal outfits for a romantic dinner or a fun night out. It's always good to pack light, not have too much baggage, and enjoy your trip.

Travel Tips

Photo Source Brides

14. Pack some essentials in your carry on including an extra outfit in case of delays.

15. Let everyone know it's your honeymoon! This is your time to be spoiled and often hotels and even locals will offer special services once they know you're on your honeymoon.


Photo Source Brides

Where are you or did you go for your honeymoon? Share your destinations and any additional tips in the comments below! 

If you haven't chosen your honeymoon location yet, check out the Best Honeymoon Destinations For Each Season on our blog to help you get started. 

Tags: bride , groom , honeymoon , tips , travel