Featured Proposal: Gevo & Sareen
We recently stumbled upon a very creative proposal at the Micheltorena Stairs in Silverlake. After getting in touch with bride-to-be Sareen, we got the full story of how her and Gevo met and what lead to their beautiful proposal. We're thrilled to share their love story with you!
How did you and Gevo meet?
Gevo and I met while we were both students at Woodbury University. He was studying Architecture and I was studying Graphic Design & Marketing. I was studying late with a friend one night on campus and we went to the architecture studio to work at her desk. I saw Gevo maybe 60 ft down the hall, and thought he was cute. Little did I know, he also noticed me across the hall and thought I was cute too. I told my friend (who was also his mutual friend) to introduce us. This was in November of 2012. We've been together for 5 years, since January 17, 2013. We've been engaged for one year since February 12th, 2017.
So tell us about the proposal! That must have been a hard one to pull off.
Gevo proposed on February 12, 2017 at the Micheltorena Stairs in Silverlake, Los Angeles. He had told me earlier that week, that he wanted to go to Alfred Coffee on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. This was unusual to me since he's not one to plan things let alone be so specific about what he wanted to do on a Sunday morning. I brushed it off and carried on with the rest of the week not thinking much about it even when my sister and best friend both asked if I was free to get my nails done that Saturday.
On Saturday I went to get a manicure, visited my grandmother, and did errands with her (per my mom's request). I had made plans to hang out with Gevo and our friends later in the evening. Gevo was already at my house when I got home from my grandma's, but again, I didn't think much of it. I would later go on to learn that my mom had asked me to do the errands with my grandma as a means of making sure I wasn't home because Gevo had wanted to go to my parent's house to ask for their blessing that day and he didn't want me to be home.
The next day Gevo drives to my house bright and early, but I was still trying to ease into the morning and I was a bit annoyed that I didn't get to sleep in. Here he was rushing me to hurry up and get ready to go out and get a cup of coffee 12 miles away in Silverlake. I was suspicious at this point, but was still playing the benefit of the doubt. The whole time we drove there he was really quiet which is unlike Gevo and he was wearing this puffy down feather jacket (which I also found odd, given that it was 73 degrees and sunny outside. Little did I know, he was hiding the ring in the inside pocket).
We get to Alfred Coffee and he turns onto a residential street up a hill to park and tells me he knows of a long staircase we can take down as a shortcut. I remember seeing a painted staircase in the area so periodically, as we were walking down, I'd glance back to see if these were the stairs I was thinking about; they were. When we finally reach the bottom of the stairs, I turn around to look at the whole staircase and I see "Will You Marry Me" written in big bold white letters next to a big red heart. I turn to Gevo perplexed and his expression confirmed everything I was thinking; he painted the "Will you marry me" on the stairs. He got down on one knee and neither of us can remember what he said during those moments, and then asked me, "will you marry me?" I was starting to tear up at this point and still in shock, so I remember just nodding my head, and eventually mustering out "Yes!"
Gevo, we'd love to hear from you! Share your perspective on the proposal.
I was really nervous because things hadn't gone as smoothly as I wanted that morning with painting the words "Will you marry me?" on the stairs. It felt like Murphy's Law took over. I had my friends paint the words, so I made stencils for them to use to make it easier. I started planning it out 3 months before I proposed. I was a little annoyed because Sareen was taking a long time to get ready in the morning. Before the proposal my heart was beating like crazy, I had clammy hands and I was sweating a bit, but in the actual moment, I felt very calm and asked her to marry me. I felt relieved and happy she said, "YES!"
Did anyone take photos and/or videos during the proposal?
Gevo didn't hire someone to take photos secretly, but there was a woman walking ahead of us on the stairs who caught on to what Gevo was doing, and took a selfie and texted it to us after he proposed!
Tell us about the ring
Gevo went ring shopping on his own. I did not want to go ring shopping AT ALL with him! To me, a proposal should be a surprise, and if I went ring shopping with him, that would ruin the surprise element for me. I had showed him some rings I had liked back in October, but I had told him I didn't want him to just pick one of the rings. We're both designers so I knew I wanted him to put his own personal touch to the ring and I trusted that he would know what I liked. We didn't discuss anything that intensely though.
We loved the creativity and hard work that went into planning this surprise proposal! And such a cute proposal location in Los Angeles! Congrats to Gevo and Sareen on your engagement and looking forward to sharing details about your engagement party, impromptu engagement photoshoot, and all the creative touches of your wedding on Harsanik!
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Tags: engaged , engagement ring , groom perspective , love , proposal , ring , surprise