Daft Punk Tribute Cake

Written by . Posted in Inspirations & Ideas

We bet you have never seen a cake like this one before! Shantal from Shakar Bakery recently teamed up with Garen, one of the Harsanik.com co-founders, to create the most unique cake out there - a 5 foot tall Daft Punk cake that moves and lights up!

This was a 3-month long project that involved detailed designs, electrical and mechanical engineering, major sculpting, and just pure creativity! Shantal is a huge Daft Punk fan, and she wanted to create the most unique tribute cake out there. Garen, always eager to learn and build something new, decided to help with the animation and lights. To read all the details of how this idea became a reality, visit Shakar Bakery's blog to see photos and notes from the entire 3 month lifecycle of the project.

Congrats again to Shantal of Shakar Bakery and our very own Garen for creating such a cool and awesome cake! Their work has been featured in Cake Central, Makezine.com and Arduino's blog.

Now can you just imagine having a life size replica of the bride & groom as the wedding cake? :)

Daft Punk Tribute Cake


Daft Punk Tribute Cake


Daft Punk Tribute Cake


Tags: cake , celebrity , trend , video