Featured Proposal: Emill & Nare

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We guarantee this proposal will move you, and perhaps you may even shed some tears! We recently came across the most epic proposal video that took place on December 18, 2017 in Germany. So we reached out to Nare and Emill to learn all about their love story, their long distance relationship, and the work that went into producing the proposal film "Will You Grow Old With Me?"

Now let's rewind back and learn about Emill and Nare...

Tell us a little bit about you. How did you meet and how long were you together?

Nare: When we met or when we fell in love? Haha! We’ve known of each other since we were very young (our parents are family friends) but when we met again after many many years was in the summer of 2014, when me and my mom were on vacation visiting Germany. Since our families new each other, we stayed at their house in Germany. And as my mom likes to put it, I made my husband's life easy and literally just walked into his house! It took us about a day to fall head over heels for each other on 8/7/2014. (And no we were not an arranged marriage! Haha!) 

What are it like to be in a long distance relationship? And how often did you see each other?

Nare: We were dating for 3.5 years before the proposal! There is something very special about being in a long distance relationship, even though it does get tough at times, we have learned some of the deepest values about love in 3.5 years; to be patient, great listeners and be attentive to each other. And the truth is, it wouldn't be easy if it wasn't for the most perfect life partner. After I left Germany in August 2014, we left without making any long term promises, but rather we left an open space to see how we evolve and where this journey takes us. After about 8 months, we planned a trip to Armenia, where we saw each other for the first time since we fell in love. It was a short but sweet 10 days and where we said our first I Love You’s. After that Emill has been to the US in 2015 and then I went to Germany 3 times in 2016, which included trips in Europe including Denmark, Amsterdam and Spain. In 2017 we went to Thailand where we visited a majority of the islands and National Parks for 3 weeks.  In total, over the last 3 years, we have been to 9 countries together. And for the New Year, my family and I went to Germany again and that's when our proposal took place.

Let's hear all about the proposal! How did it all happen?

Nare: Months ago I told Emill I wanted to go see Titanic in Theaters, in celebration of its 20th anniversary. I was under the impression that we were about to go on our first date to the movies as a “normal couple” to watch Titanic but little did I know I was walking into a movie about our love and the most thoughtful proposal!!

Emill, how long were you planning for?

Since the day we met. Haha! Realistically about 3 months.

How did you get the idea of making a "movie" and how long did it take you to create it?

Emill: I had no idea and I have no idea how I got the idea, all I know is that I forced the universe to throw something my way. I grabbed it by its neck and said you better put something creative into my mind, so from October until about the end of November I was just brainstorming, getting inspired and trying to figure out what is even possible. I'm a filmmaker, so I knew I can make a film without a problem, but I also knew it had to be epic. I was never a fan of proposing with the words “will you marry me” so I basically had to create a movie to twist that question a bit, and that's where the whole story with me and a grandpa in fifty years came from. I basically travelled to the future, just so I can wish to turn back the time so I can ask her to grow old with me all over again! Are you confused?! You probably are, but you watched the proposal and everything was pretty clear right? Plus I’m sure you shared some tears. Now that's what I call the magic of filmmaking when it's done right, straight from the bottom of the heart. I had to google and hire a make up artist, find locations to shoot at and most importantly find a cinema that I could rent (I proposed at Magazin Filmkunsttheater, a movie theater in Hamburg, Germany). Exactly seven days before the proposal, the film was done and turned it to the cinema.

Wow! How did you keep all this from Nare?

Emill: It was easy to keep it from her since she was in the US and we have a time difference of 9 hours. So when I got my makeup done for the old man scenes, I had to ignore her texts (which was really hard), but I couldn’t risk her asking to FaceTime me at that moment! Haha!  The most difficult part was keeping the camera (which recorded her reactions in the movies) from her. What I did was stitch and sew it into the back of my jacket, wear a backpack so she wouldn’t see it while we were on the way to the movies, then hang it on the row in front of us and VOILA it all worked out.

Nare, did you have any idea?

I had NO idea! I knew we would get engaged soon but never did I expect a proposal like that!

What was your reaction?

Nare: I was SO touched and confused at the same time! Haha! As you can see in the video it takes me a few seconds to realize that the film was about us! He did a great job with the make up and the voice editing.

Did you go ring shopping together sometime before the proposal?

Nare: We did not go ring shopping due to the distance. I went with my best friends to size my finger and just to look around but he had it made similar to a combination of things I had showed him that I like. The ring is perfect in every way.

Who was present inside the movie theater? And did anyone take photos during the proposal?

Nare: Our parents, and family/friends from Germany. Some of the people I had never met before hence the reason why I didn't realize who they were when I looked around during the proposal. My brother in law stepped in with his photography skills and did an amazing job taking pictures.

We are so touched! We've seen so many incredible proposals, but this one really stands out since it was incredibly creative, thoughtful and romantic. Leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us!

We've included some photos of Emill and Nare immediately after their proposal. And just 3 days late, Nare and Emill planned their wedding and got married! (Yes, we said 3 DAYS LATER!) The couple went on a familymoon to Italy and Switzerland. We'll be back soon with more details about their wedding, the their experience planning a wedding in 3 days, and their familymoon in an upcoming blog!

Do you have any questions for Nare? Sign in or create a free account to leave a comment below. We'll be sure to have Nare answer your questions in her upcoming blog! 

Tags: creative , destination , engaged , engagement photoshoot , engagement ring , groom perspective , proposal , surprise , video