Tatian's Travel

551 W Glenoaks Blvd
Glendale, CA 91202
(818) 550-8790//Map


1 Review

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Amazing Trip

What can I say, this is the travel agency that we walked into, that had welcoming arms. Rubina explained to us where we can go, she gave us the idea of going to Italy, and it was AMAZING. Italy was wonderful, the hotel she booked was great, and the cruise was amazing, and best of all we visited soo many cities, and countries that every time I stepped out of the ship I was like Rubina you are the best. Thank You very much for everything, and I couldn't have asked for better service, I'm glad we booked our honeymoon trip with Rubina. If you want to go somewhere where you would not regret it, book it with Tatian's Travel. They are the best.
Posted By: | Oct 31st, 2008 | View all my reviews
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